RAMASHRAM SATSANG, MATHURA VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FORM FOR DIGITISATION, PEOPLE ENGAGEMENT/ FACILITATION As you are aware Shanka Samadhan is webcast every Sunday, 8:30 pm IST. Under the inspiration of Guru Maharaj Ji and the guidance of Shri Sanjiv Bhaiya Ji, this is a purely volunteer driven project. We require more volunteers. Preferably we are looking for […]
Category Archives: FAQs
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शंका समाधान कार्यक्रम *रामाश्रम सत्संग मथुरा* Shanka Samadhan *Ramashram Satsang, Mathura* *गुरु महाराज* की प्रेरणा से शंका समाधान कार्यक्रम आप के फ़ोन पर हर रविवार सायं ८.३० बजे (8.30PM) पर Audio/Video Conference द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। *यह कार्यक्रम निम्नलिखित माध्यमों के लिंक पर Click कर के भी सुना जा सकता है – (To listen you […]
Previous Shanka Samadhan Sessions
Previous sessions of Shanka samadhan have been uploaded here. You can click on “Join to Listen” and register. Once you register you will have access to all previous recordings. These recordings have been slightly edited for better sound and quality. You will also have access to some previous pravachans and bhajans of satsang. The objective […]
Joining Shanka Samadhan Sessions and Ask Online Questions
If you would like to ask questions in a Shankasamadhan session or talk to Shri Sanjiv Bhaiya Ji or any other respected Acharya, you can join the session in the following ways: Directly through Audio Conference Dial 0172-5199043. [If you are dialing from outside India, please add country code +91] You will be asked for […]
शंका समाधान और अमृत वाणी
या आप प्रपत्र द्वारा भी अपना प्रश्न दर्ज कर सकते गुरु महाराज की प्रेरणा से उनका संदेश और सिद्धांत हर गाँव और घर घर पहुँचाने के कार्य में हम सब को सेवा का एक मौक़ा मिल रहा है। यह कार्य हम श्री संजीव भैया जी के दिशा-निर्देश में करेंगे। इस अमृत वाणी कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य है […]
What is Shankasamadhan and Amrit Vani?
We have an esteemed job under the patronage of Guru Maharaj to spread his message and principles to every village and town in far flung areas. We will achieve this task under the guidance of Shri Sanjiv Bhaiya Ji. The objective of Amrit Vani program is to bring the voice of Guru Maharaj to villages […]